The average house price on EPSOM CLOSE is £369,001
The most expensive house in the street is 13 EPSOM CLOSE with an estimated value of £460,528
The cheapest house in the street is 12 EPSOM CLOSE with an estimated value of £239,671
The house which was most recently sold was 15 EPSOM CLOSE, this sold on 3 Aug 2021 for £335,000
The postcode for EPSOM CLOSE is SK7 4RP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EPSOM CLOSE Detached £423,538 £263,000 10 Aug 2007
3 EPSOM CLOSE Detached , 96 m2 £175,000 9 Sep 2011
6 EPSOM CLOSE Semi-Detached £403,651 £85,000 12 Oct 1998
10 EPSOM CLOSE Semi-Detached , 100 m2 £309,756 £233,000 24 Mar 2017
12 EPSOM CLOSE Detached , 92 m2 £239,671 £50,000 24 Jul 1998
13 EPSOM CLOSE Detached £460,528 £235,000 30 Sep 2004
15 EPSOM CLOSE Detached , 104 m2 £383,447 £335,000 3 Aug 2021
16 EPSOM CLOSE Detached , 98 m2 £305,555 £205,000 5 Jun 2015
17 EPSOM CLOSE Detached £460,503 £87,500 16 Jun 1997
18 EPSOM CLOSE Detached , 115 m2 £195,000 14 Dec 2011
19 EPSOM CLOSE Detached £362,342 £225,000 3 Aug 2007
22 EPSOM CLOSE Detached £341,022 £165,000 25 May 2004